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In the current musical climate, it comes across as if artists aren't very concerned with crafting an album experience anymore. It seems as though they're more interested in comeing up ' wit a tracklist that is composed of single after single after single. This isn't necesarily a bad thing however, but it certainly keeps experiences like the Plastic Beach album from ever seeing the light of day. This is this type of album where I would highly recommend listening to the whole thing through without stop because there are some crazy things going on there. One major theme carried throughout this album is that of society neglecting the health and safty of the earth's environment, and one way that this is communicated through the tracklist is in how each song gets more and more synthetic in it's sound as the album progresses. This to me perfectly encapsulates how these issues are only getting worse rather than getting better. not to mention how every song on this album is so groovy and so creative in their approach making the venture of listening to the whole album that much easier.

I'll be the first to admit that I have never been the biggest fan of Ed Sheeran and his music. The singer songwriter mold that he has as an artist is certainly something that could make him interesting in the production of music that is personal to him, but it usually comes across as if he doesn't really care about the quality of his music. This album feels so incredibly pandering not only to the average Ed Sheeran fan, but also just the musical tropes of the time this came out. The overly produced and glossy instrumentals, the annoyingly melodramatic vocals in almost every track, there's just not an ounce of originality in a single track on this record and this seems to be a common occurence of Mr. Sheeran.